Ohh i spent a lot of money today at the mall, about 120.
MY PURCHASES, not that you care:
The back of the shirt :D:D:D (L)
I've wanted these since April
Work today sucked minus the fact that the boy I liked was working. :)
I'm going to try to get an earlier shift tomorrow so I can party it up with Chantelle tomorrow night.
About Me
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tonight consisted of wasting gas and driving down empty roads around Barrie with my best friends talking about random shit which is a hell of a lot better then sitting at home alone doing nothing.
We were all talking about going on a real trip sometime in November and I really want to go to Costa Rica. I'm exited.
Tomorrow: shopping trip to the upper Canada mall because I just got paiddddddd.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
one oh oh
enough caps, i'm going to write without it now.
i don't really have much to say except, i hope something good happens tonight.
ps- i have to start giving my cell phone number out correctly.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Am I crazy?
I feel like I'm not worth being part of anyones life.
Maybe it is because I don't try hard enough to actually be part of anyones life.
Or maybe it is because people don't want to make the effort for me.
Is it weird that I get really glad when someone includes me in their plans or in their life?
So I did it, I finally bought a scarf today and I must say I adore it :)
Pat, Katie and I were supposed to hang out tonight but I guess they had other plans.
So I suppose I'll just sit here on the computer and do what I do best, nothing.
I hope we all get to hang out tomorrow.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
ohh mannnn
I was really intent on not sleeping last night because I was angry sooo
this is what my boredom and anger produced.
Imunna eat chooo
forever 21 glasses :)
peace up, A-town down , mannn i have no life
actually, i hate the person who gave me this pillow
um.. yeah.
Ohh man I love life.
I know you're fucking home so stop being such an asshole and give me my i pod and any other shit of mine you have back.
I know you are a useless coward but could you please STOP being afraid to talk to me and just bring me my stuff so I can finally cut all ties with you?
That's all I ask, this is my last peace offering before I get really nasty, I promise you that.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
three dee
So I'm pretty sure there are the first purchase of food I've made that isn't mcdoanlds in forever:
Anyways today I watched The Hannah Montana Concert in 3D with my best friends and it was a disappointment. The only good part was when the Jonas Brothers played. That is when we decided that Kevin Jonas should just give up his musical career with the Jonas Brothers because no body likes him, and really what does he do? He plays guitar but I never see him sing. The band could do without him plus he is ugly. He just ruins the band. BYEE KEVINN!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I'm really glad last night happened, regardless of the random aids talk that we all had.
So just to prove you wrong I typed in "CUCUMBER SALAD" into google images and look what I found
There is such thing as cucumber salad. I didn't make it up. :)
Anyways I'm really glad we finally got to hang out. You are really fun, cute and laugh at me all the time for no apparent reason but whatever :):):)
I hope we hang out again soon.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Flash back
I was going through my photobucket account and this is what I looked like 4 summers ago.
EWWW what was I thinking?
fuckk youuu
I will never be your lover again
as far as I’m concerned, we are not even friends
this may not seem too subtle to you
the point I'm trying to make is we are completely through.
I want my shit back when you get home.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Wish list
Since I have been working so much lately I thought I'd make a wish list of things I plan to purchase with some of my paycheck. All of these cloths happen to be from Urban Outfitters because Katie wanted me to pick out cloths with her over the Internet.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Drive thru sucks
SO apparently I have black people lips and freckles on my nose. Who knew?
Anyways today I worked a total of 13 hours at Mcdonalds and American Eagle combined. Wooo. I'm dead tired. Anyways today was my first time working breakfast at Mcdonalds and to top it off it was my first time working drive thru. I ended up getting some guys order wrong over the headset and he started yelling at me so because I'm a big baby I started crying. I hate drive thru.
Anyways I'm realizing that maybe it is better you stay out of my life. Hey I survived for 2 weeks, what's a whole lifetime? As soon as you came back so did all the shit that upsets be about you. Maybe you should just stay away because best friends don't do the kinds of things you do.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
All better
I'm happy to announce that Marty is all better.
Woo vitamin c :)
I have to take the bus to work today and I'm really not in the mood to and I don't even have $2.50. As if I'm scheduled to do drive through at work all this week.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Summer checklist
I was going through my hulk backpack today and I realized that I have about 3 books that I still have from school and I most likely wont be returning them. Oh well.
I also found me, Pat and Katie's summer checklist so I'll write it here so I don't forget it.
1.Highpark/Toronto walk around.
2.Go to the exhibition.
3.Get fake IDs (Pat already has this one down)
4.Visit Cara in Huntsville.
5.Go to wonderland.
6.Road trip to Niagara Falls.
7.Throw a party.
8.Road trip to Keswick to see Raven.
9. Visit Katie's or my cottage.
10.Drive around the lake.
11.Skinny dipping (again, Pat already has this down)
12.Tree top trekking.
13.Center island trip.
14.Go to TEXAS :D
15.Strip club hahaha
I'll add more if I missed any.
The one time I do anything confident and spontaneous I make myself look like an ass. Actually what you said afterwards to all of your little friends made me feel like an ass for thinking you were a half decent person.
But thanks, you made me realize that I can do so much better than you.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I finally got my internet, phone and cable back today! Stupid construction near my house cut it off.
Anyways I'm happy to announce that I've received a 71 average on my report card so I will be attending Guelph Humber University at the end of the summer with a 1000 dollar scholarship :D
I did dick all this year and I still managed to get into university. Go meee! Oh, and I didn't fail writers craft for all of those people who said I was going to, I passed with a 70 so suck it.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Good morning.
Wooo I love waking up hungover smelling like cigarettes, beer and boys.
Last night was weird but I suppose I got some satisfaction out of its events. I shotgunned my first beer and it was disgusting, I do not suggest it. I hate beer so that could be the reason I didn't like it.
Anywho I'm off to my first shift in a month at American eagle. I seem to be going to all my shifts there hungover lately, oh well.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Live through this, and you won't look back
There's one thing I want to say, so I'll be brave
You were what I wanted
I gave what I gave
I'm not sorry I met you
I'm not sorry it's over
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Lazy day
So today me and Zach were supposed to hang out at my house so he could fix my i pod. He didn't show, not that I expect anything less from him.
So I ended up going to the park with my little brother who is my only source of human entertainment at the moment.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I need a life
This is the most interesting thing that has happened to me all day.
That's sad.
I need a life and I probably shouldn't have taken the week off work.
On the bright side I get paid tomorrow from Mcdonalds and I work at American Eagle on Saturday so I plan to buy a few new things.
These are cute
So here's the deal, I only have like 1 pair of shorts soooo.....
These can all be found at www.ae.com
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
All about Helga
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'4
Relationship Status: Single
Religious Views: Christian
My Favorites
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Movie: Donnie Darko
Favorite Hobby: Photography, blogging
Favorite Song/Singer: Anberlin- Paper Thin Hymn
Favorite Vacation Destination: Las Vegas
Favorite Food: Mr. Noodles
Favorite Restaurant: McDonalds
Favorite Animal: Pig
Favorite Store: H&M
Favorite Baby Name: Sky
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Big Mac or Whopper: Big Mac
Coke or Pepsi : Coke
Beer or Wine: Wine
Coffee or Tea: Iced Coffee
Apple Juice or O.J.: OJAY
Facebook or MySpace: Facebook
Summer or Winter: Summer
Windows or Mac: Windows
Cats or Dogs: Kitties
Rain or Shine : Shine
Chips or Popcorn: Chips
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Plane or Boat: Plane
Morning or Night: Night
Movie or Play: Movie
Walk or Drive: Drive
Money or Love: Love
Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner
Forgiveness or Revenge: Revenge
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint
House or Apartment: House
Do You?
Have Any Pets: Cat and a guinea pig
Have Any Children: No
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Exercise: No
Spend Your Life On Facebook: Always
Play On A Sports Team: No
Love Your Job: Kinda
Like To Cook: Easy things
Play An Instrument: Guitar
Sing: Yes
Dance: Yes but I have no clue how to
Speak Multiple Languages: Not really
Ice Skate: Yes
Swim: Yes
Paint: No
Write: Yes
Ski: No
Juggle: No
Have You Ever
Been Drunk Before Noon: No
Had Sex In A Public Place: No
Got Caught Telling A Lie: Yes
Got A Speeding Ticket: No, I don't drive
Been Arrested: No
Littered: Yes
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: LOL
Cheated On A Test: Yes
Cheated In A Relationship: Yes
Failed A Class: No
Screened Your Phone Calls: Yes
Eaten Food Off The Floor: No
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: Yes
Wished You Were Someone Else: Yes
Cried During A Movie: Yes
Had A One Night Stand: Noooo
Describe Yourself In One Word: Helga
Biggest Fear: Sharks
Your Proudest Accomplishment: Graduating highschool
#1 Priority In Your Life: Happiness
Dream Job: Professional photographer
Special Talents: Spending endless hours on the computer
Where Are You Right Now: On my computer
Where Would You Rather Be: Outside doing something progressive
Place To Visit Before You Die: Egypt