Quit the job I uses to love at the tower. I was so nervous but I'm extremely relieved that I only have to worry about one job now. I'm going to have so much time to clean and work out and catch up on tv shows.
Also I got my first tattoo since 2009 this weekend.
About Me
Monday, March 18, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
I haven't written in so long no one prob reads this blog anymore... Hahaha oh well Ill blog just so I can read it and keep track of my stupid life or something.
Anyways I work 2 jobs with weekends off a I'm slowly dying.
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 10 months and that makes me super happy anyways I want to quit one of my 2 jobs because I hate it but I can't cause I need the money haha life.
That's all I feel like writing today don't worry I'll try to complain more tomorrow bye.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
I don't have time
To blog anymore but ill try. I work 2 jobs currently. One at second cup and one at the CN tower all day every weekday. More updates soon hopefully.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Sorry again for the lack of updates.
I applied for a second job at a couple places but I have an actual interview next Tuesday at the second cup right outside my first job. I got the interview without the store owner even seeing my resume so I have a good feeling about all of this.
I also got employee of the moth for October and this weekend my boyfriend and I are celebrating our 6 months anniversary which is a big deal...for me.
Cause as we know I haven't had a healthy relationship in 4 years so whoopieeee for me.
Few pics before I go from the last few weeks

Friday, October 19, 2012
Today I worked my last stupid shift of the week and successfully cooked chicken breast for the first time WITHOUT giving myself food poisoning. I want to learn how to cook more things, especially meat.

Thursday, October 18, 2012
Today I went to lunch with my nono. he said he wants me to get married before he dies which made me sad cause I don't have many marriage plans in my future.
He bought me groceries from an Italian grocery store...who knew those existed right?
I came home, cleaned out my rats cage and cleaned the house.
I cleaned behind the stove and fridge which my landlords left disgusting dust and food and magnets behind so that was fun.
I mainly went on a cleaning spree to get rid of the ants in my house.
When my roommates came home the ants returned because someone was careless and left food on the floor.
Anyways after that I worked out.
I never feel thin enough even though I have lost a pretty decent amount of weight in the past 2 years.
I think this is mainly because I rarely drink anymore and I also eat very little junk food.
I have also cut down on how much I eat in general.
This all makes me sound like I have an eating disorder but oh well.
March 2010

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Mega update
so right before I went to visit my boyfriend for thanksgiving 2 weeks ago I discovered I had a minor corneal ulcer on my eye and had to go to the hospital.
This resulted me having to wear my glasses that I hate for 6 days plus eye drops every half hour.