About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A survey I posted 4 years ago

Let's see how my answers differ

Ever wonder if you're some one's everything?
Then: no
Now: no cause I know I'm not

Last song played more then three times?
Then: ditch that
Now: babylon

Last person to fall asleep with?
Then: my boyfriend
Now: chantel. lol i had a boyfriend loooooooooool

Have you ever been tied to someone?
Now: still no

Last fast food consumed?
Then: melon
Now: The top part of a fudge sundae

When do you want to die?
Now: never

Then: no
Now: to david we r having 3 kidz :''')

Did you take a nap today?
Then: no
Now: Yeah I woke up, did homework and went back to sleep

Last car you were in?
Then: My mommy's
Now: chantel's

Last person to call you beautiful?
Then: idk
Now: drunk guys coming through drive thru

What colour is your room?
Then: green
Now: purple

Where's your family?
Then: Toronto
Now: georgetown and toronto

Could you use some sleep right now?
Then: sure
Now: i'd rather stay up on the internet and reminisce

Who'd you have lunch with?
Then: no one because it's 11 am
Now: myself

Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
Then: yeah...
Now: yeah and it was the only time

Do you like to cuddle?
Then: yes
Now: with the right person

Have you ever made out against a car?
Then: no
Now: yes last halloween

Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating?
Then: yea
Now: hellll yeah

Kissed someone that had a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Then: nope
Now: not to my knowledge

Is the last person you kissed older than you?
Then: nope
Now: I don't know

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?
Then: nope
Now: yes

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Then: none of your business
Now: when i was in ottawa

Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?
Then: why would i ever have to do that?
Now: i love my hair more than anyone so

Whats on your bedroom floor?
Then: all my bags full of cloths
Now: everything in my room.... every fucking thing

Whens the next time you will kiss somebody?
Then: probably not for awhile because i wont get to see Matt for like a week or 2
Now: this weekend and it will prob be matt. ironic? i think yes.

How many piercings do you have?
Then: 3
Now: 4

Ever kissed in the rain?
Then: yeah
Now: still yeah but i wanna do it again so laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame

How's your heart lately?
Then: it's been better
Now: perfect. i don't need anyone but me, friends and family.

Any plans for tomorrow?
Then: school, moving into my room finally
Now: getting drunk as fuck and seeing matt

Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
Then: when it rains
Now: pffft i don't own hoddies

If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do?
Then: laugh
Now: welp he's gay so have fun

Have you held hands with anybody in the past week?
Then: yeahh
Noe: no cigar

Do you like the last person you kissed?
Then: i hate them so much. joking Matt g
Now: NO he was the biggest douche

Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
Then: at school
Now: nowhere

Do you bump into someone’s arm if you want to hold their hand?
Then: no
Now: no i bump into their face

Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Then: no
Now: get married and have 3 kids

Who was the last guy you talked to?
Then: James prob
Now: work ppl

Has a boy put their arm around you in the past 5 days?
Then: yeah
Now: forever alone

When is the last time you were in a photo-booth taking pictures with friend?
Then: omg like grade 8
Now: last year with my lil bro

Do you think you have made a difference in any one's life?
Then: i hope so
Now: idgaf

What's the last thing you laughed at?
Then: idk
Now: tumblr

Do you get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night?
Then: never
Now: most of the time

What is the best thing to do in the morning to wake up?
Then: get dressed and such
Now: surf the web

Who is normally awake in the mornings with you?
Then: my cat
Now: my roomies

Do you eat breakfast?
Then: not usually
Now: does coffee count? if not, no.

Do you like the morning or night better?
Then: nights ;)
Now: nights minus the wink face

If you had a choice, would you just sleep in everyday?
Then: yep
Now: I already do

Do you like school?
Then: not currently
Now: it's alright

what do you like to wake up to?
then: a boy :)
Now: internet

what school you go to?
Then: Guelph humber
Now: still guelph humber. is.it.over.yet?

Do you have a computer?
Then: no...i need ma laptop soon :(
Now: hahahaha i didn't have a laptop 4 years ago...how did i live omg

How many times a day do you eat?
Then: idk it varies
Now: two

Would you rather be at home or outside with friends?
Then: both
Now: in my room on the internet

One thing that people might not know about you?
Then: my favorite animal is a pig
i like to have extra sauce on everything i eat.
Now: i work out 2 times a week every week. i live on my bed on the internet.

Name a quote from the song you're listening to.
Then: n/a
Now: dancing with the dj dj dj dancing with the dj

What are you seriously wearing?
Then: omg srsly I'm wearing my black and white checkered shirt, black leggings, acorn necklace, my fuzzy moccasin boots, silver headband.
Now: big ass pink shirt and shorts

On your "lazy days" what would you be doing?
Then: obv nothing.
Now: internet

Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?
Then: Katie...because pat would want to redecorate
wells scare the shit out of my though
Now: my laptop

Most recent movie you have watched in theatres?
Then: saw five
Now: puss in boots

Do you eat cookie dough?
then: if i had access to some I sure would
Now: if i had access to some im sure i wouldnt cause im not a fat bitch like i was 4 years ago

What color are your bedsheets?
then: yellow
now: green

Had a long distance relationship?
Then: kinda have one now
Now: LOL at me thinking toronto to barrie was long distance. NO

Are you a patient person?
then: no
now: yes

Who's your favorite singers/band?
Then: brand new
Now: s4lem

What are you doing tomorrow?
then: sleeping, class, going out to dinner with chantel and Kaitlyn
Now: class, presentation, clean room, drunk.as.fuck

Can you honestly say you're happy with who you are?
then: no
now: ye im fuckin awesome

Is it cute when a boy calls you babe?
then: YES
now: call me baby girl

Will you keep your last name when you get married?
Then: yes
napolitano is the shiiit
it sounds like ice cream
now: like ice cream like ice cream

Would you rather be drunk or high?
then: drunk :)
now: right now i'd rather me hiiiiigh

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
then: no
now: by alcohol .alchy u so meeeaaan

Would you survive in prison?
then: bahhaaaa no
now: ye i'd get so many bitches

Whats the last thing you ate & why?
Then: McDonald's because i was on break thurrrr
Now: oh same. mcbitch fo life

Are you a friendly person?
then: yes :)
now: no :)

Have you kissed anyone with a name that starts with a "C"?
Then: hmmmm nope
now: yes

What's the worst thing someone can do to you?
Then: betray my trust
now: call me fat or ugly

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