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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Had to get up at 6 45 just to pick my courses for next semester and hear people talk about how my picture of Amanda doesn't look like Amanda. Like HI...do you think that is what I want to hear at 6 in the fucking morning? No, not really so maybe you should think about what you say to me and fuck off.
And yeah. I didn't get the class I wanted to for Wednesday LIKE I KNEW I WOULDN'T BECAUSE NOTHING EVER WORKS OUT so I get Wednesday off and Fridays not off.
Oh and if you didn't notice I updated every single one of my social networking things to tell everyone how mad I am because I am that fucking mad.
Not in the mood for anyone today so please leave me alone.
I'm glad all of you got all the nice little courses you wanted. Weeee :D

Secondly I am pissed because my passport didn't come in and I waited a month for it. So that is just really really amazing. I'm never going to get to visit my best friend which makes me want to cry.
And I'm losing 10 percent in one of my classes because I have a concert to go to and the teacher recently rescheduled a test on the day that I am going and wont change it for me. So never mind about next semester, I'm going to fail out of school before then. This weekend better rule so hard that I forget any of this bad shit exists.