About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Monday, October 25, 2010

Son of a gun

Do you trust your gut instinct?

The last person you kissed says they want you to be theirs. You say?

Your last kiss probably meant nothing, right?
pretty much

Do you feel like life will be easier when you’re older, or harder?

When people say “I don’t ever talk about anyone”, do you believe it?

It is okay to kiss people when you’re single?
all dah time

Do you think pot will eventually get legalized?
i hope so

Do you really know how heartbreak feels?

Do your parents actually care about you?

What do you hear right now?
my prof

Is there someone you used to talk to every day that you don’t talk to at all?

If you could move somewhere else, would you?
another country (English speaking plz)

Do you need to say anything to someone?

Do you and your best friend look anything alike?

What’s worse, having someone mad or disappointed in you?

If there was a large spider in the room, what would you do?
scream and run away

Have you ever changed clothes in a car?
hahahaha yes ;)

What is bothering you?
a lot

Are you happy with the way things are going?

Do you prefer mint, citrus, or cinnamon toothpaste?

Is your birthday on a holiday?

Have you ever kissed a football player?
maybe...i've kissed a lot of people

Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
i don't like anyone

What were you doing at 8am this morning?

What’s the last thing you drank?

Is tomorrow gonna be a good day?
prob not

What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
we franz

What’s something you really want right now, be honest?
to be happier

Will this weekend be a good one?
i'm praying it will be

Do you try hard in school?

Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today?

Do you remember who you liked this time one year ago, who?
patrick weeee

Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?

Do you want to get married?
nah b

Is there anyone you want to come see you?

Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind?
no, only matt

Could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?

If someone is interested in you right now, would you like them to tell you?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

At what age will you get married?

Which do you prefer - eyes or lips?

Medicine, fine arts, or law?
fyne arts

Best kind of pizza?
hot peppers, anything hot, anchovies, green olives.
pretty much salty and hot

Is your bedroom window open?

What is in store for your future?
mcdonalds, lol

Who was the last band you saw live?
bloody beetroots

What is your favorite soda?
vanilla diet coke or diet dr.pepper

How many songs are on your itunes?

When was the last time you purchased something over £200.
I don’t shop in pounds

6 bands/musicians that i’ve been listening to a lot lately:
fever ray, drake, ke$ha, kanye, terror

5 things that always cheer me up.
food, the internet, pot, booze, friends/family

TV shows that i’ve seen every episode of.
the oc, digimon, sailor moon

Favourite sports team.
fuck sports

3 things about myself.
i'm the biggest procrastinator, i like stuffed animals, laundry smell helps me sleep

2 ways to win my heart.

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