Giving the peace sign:

At a beach:

Playing with something:

Something on your head:

With tongue out:

Kissing someone:

Doing something weird:

With your best friend(s):

Doing something really fun:

party bus
A hilarious night:


This actually made me realize that 90% of my pictures of me on facebook are of me drunk.
With a person you love:

At school:

Pointing at something:

I'm not actually pointing at anything, my hand just does that.
With someone you hate:

I hate this cunt's guts.
In the mirror:

Looking completely different to how you do now:

Holding something:

A day you were upset/sad:

I was in hysterics by the end of this night. I've never cried so much in my life.
Black and white:

Most Recent:
1 comment:
The secret ;)
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