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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Monday, December 14, 2009

My dream last night

Catching butterflies
To catch or kill a butterfly, suggests that you are being too superficial.
(oh true)

To see a hare in your dream, represents swiftness, transformation or self-sacrifice. What are you giving up or sacrificing in your waking life? It may also symbolize your rash behavior or cleverness.

To dream that you are riding a roller coaster, signifies that you are experiencing erratic behavior brought on by yourself or a situation. You are experiencing frequent ups and downs in your waking life.


To see a stain in your dream, indicates a superficial and reversible mistake in your life. Consider and analyze the substance and color of the stain and the location of the stain itself. If you cannot remove the stain, then it represents guilt or your unwillingness to forgive and forget.

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