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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I hate when people stand like 2 meters away from the counter when they want me to take their order at McDonalds. So when they talk this is what I hear "hasgdhasgfhgshsfahfhasfah meal." "A WHAT MEAL????" Why do you have to stand so far away from me? It doesn't really make sence does it? DOES IT???

If one more manager tells me "if the food isn't in the bin take another order" I'm going to scream. I'm not fucking new to McDonalds. I KNOW! I FUCKING KNOW TO TAKE ANOTHER ORDER. The fact that you feel you have to tell me this every time I work frustrates me to no end.

I also hate EVERY customer who can't speak fucking English properly or orders a fucking JR CHICKEN at 9 in the morning. And no, we don't have any thing that's chicken for breakfast. I don't know what is with Rexdale and it's obsession with jr. chickens but it's fucking weird.

Oh and for anyone who says to me "um, last time I ordered that it wasn't that price" I'm just going to say "oh, well you know...I just wanted to charge you more for shits and giggles. LOLZ." Like I don't think customers realize that I don't make the prices for food at McDonalds. Just fucking pay for what you ordered, learn English and gtfo.

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