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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

aids germs

My mom is pretty much the biggest retard of life. I told her that I've been having pains in my stomach for the last 2 days and she said "maybe you shouldn't drink so much and take care of yourself, or maybe you have swine flu..."
Yes, that's exactly it mom, you're so fucking smart.THANKS! I'll go get tested for swine flu right away!

She claims that I am a worse child than my brother who smokes pot in the house and was growing some BESIDE the house, but you know, that's fine. YAYY POT! Not like it's illegal or anything. Oh and according to her I'm a pot head too. LOLOLOL sorry, haven't smoked up in months but why would she believe me? I'm the worst kid in all of history, didn't you know?

The BEST was "Don't drink my drink with your aids germs!" Come again? Aids germs? AIDS GERMS? AHHAHA oh fuck. Sorry last time I checked you have had to have sex to have aids or it has to be genetically passed down so if you aren't HIV positive bitch neither am I. Why do words come out of your mouth? Oh I forgot, because my best friend is gay I must automatically have aids. Luvvvin your logic there.

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