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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, November 6, 2008

fuuuckk workkkkkk

I'm apparently working the day I'm supposed to move all my shit into my real room and next Saturday when I will most likely be hella hung over and in TORONTO. SO NO. I'M NOT COMING IN. FUCK YOU.

In other news I tried to have a nap today in my room on the ground level which was successful until my neighbor decided to blare techno music at 3 pm. It sounded like I was living next door to a club and the same beat was playing over and over and over again. The funny thing is when I came back to my room 3 hours later the same beat was still playing. WHAT THE FUUUCKK? I'm so glad I'm not living on that floor after this weekend.

Plus Matt found some sketchy beer bottles full of beer in my ceiling last night...they looked like they'd been there for years. Ew.

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