What a waste of a weekend.
I was actually exited to hang out with my friends tonight and go to summmmerrrfesttttt but by the time we got there it was closing. Then while we were driving back from Hicktown to Barrie trying to figure out what else to do on this Saturday night Pat got called in to work graveyards.
Tonight was a waste of straightening my hair and a new outfit.
It just feels like everyone else in the world is out there having fun but me. I deserve some fun. don't you think?
A week today I was off getting drunk on Katie's dock having a blast...that's depressing.

I spend wayyy too much time on my computer.
1 comment:
i am a vampire, i am a vampire
vampire vampire vampire
i have lost my fangs..
so im sad and i feel lonely
and i cry and im very angry
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