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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Beer before liquor, never sicker, liquor before beer, never fear

No one every mentioned this rule to me before. Oh god I wish they did. Last night I ended up puking at the party because I drank beer then liquor, then more beer followed by more liquor.

But anyways last night was fun before I puked. My night included warm beer, meeting new people, meeting people that knew me but I didn't know them, trading stupid boys my empty beers for their full ones, JACK DANIELS, truth or dare, stealing hats, vodka in sunny d bottles, high fives, losing my purse, stumbling, a boy from my film class calling me BABE every 5 seconds, and some drunk texting.

This was the conversation with me and my mom when I got home
MOM: "So how was the party?"
ME: "I puked"
MOM: "you were drinking"
ME: "yeah"

I love how she doesn't care.

Today I was hella hung over and I called my work to see if I was working. Of course they gave me a 7 hour shift. They have given me 3 hour shifts for the past 2 weeks so why did they decide to give me this long ass shift when I feel like death.


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